We are proud that incubed IT has already won several prizes and awards with its software solution for autonomous mobile robots.
Phönix Award 2017
The Austrian Business Founder Award Phönix honours start-ups, spin-offs and the development of prototypes and is awarded by austria wirtschaftsservice (AWS).
incubed IT was awarded 2017 as Spin-Off of the Year.
Robotics Award - Hannover Messe 2015
incubed IT GmbH from Hart, Austria, accepted the prize from Olaf Lies, Lower Saxony Minister of Economy, Labor and Transportation as well as patron of the ROBOTICS AWARD, during a festive award ceremony on Tuesday at HANNOVER MESSE. incubed IT GmbH was convincing with a robotics solution for shuttles that move intelligently, autonomously and flexibly.
Futurezone Robotics Award 2015
We are delighted to announce that incubed IT was awarded the Futurezone Robotics Award 2015!
Fast Forward Award 2014
incubed IT was amongst the finalist of the Fast Forward Award 2014, awarded by the Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (SFG).